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Backup4all supports backing up to a remote computer or device using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) connection. This is a practical backup destination because the backed up data can be easily accessed from any other computer with an Internet connection. Select the FTP option from the Destination window to be able to configure the backup to FTP.


Apply FTP configuration

You can select an already defined FTP configuration given that you added one in the Tools->Options->FTP window. All the fields will be filled with the information from the configuration file. If no configuration was previously defined, you will have to enter the other details.


Folder where to perform backup

Enter a folder name where the backup files will be stored on the remote computer via FTP. If the folder does not exist, a new one is created with that name. If that field is left blank, Backup4all will automatically create a folder using the name of the backup job and place the backup files in there.


Host name and port number

In this field you have to enter the name or IP address for the FTP server and a port if different than the default FTP port (21). The format is host:port; e.g. ftp.Backup4all.com:1002 will backup to ftp.Backup4all.com connecting through port 1002.


User name/Password

In these fields you can enter the user name/password for the FTP server. There are FTP servers that allow anonymous access (public FTP servers). You can connect to these types of FTP servers using as user name Anonymous and your email address as password. It is not recommended to backup important files to public FTP servers.


By pressing the Test button you can check to see if the settings you have entered are correct. If the test was successful, The ftp connection was tested successfully message will be displayed.


Additional settings can be set by pressing the Advanced Settings button.